

Top 5 programming languages ranking list to learn for 2022

Javascript and python just pick any one of these languages place them on the number one spot and you cannot go wrong with any one of them of course they are the most popular language of all the time and they are going to remain that way at least for the next few years so you cannot go wrong with these two languages.

So in case you just came to know about what's the top one programming language that I'm working on here you go you got your answer but you are not here just to know about the name of the programming language you are here to know more about my perspective.

What I do think about these languages which are coming up and are shining quite a lot in 2022.

You are here to know my perspective a guy who writes day in day out every single day some code for the client some for personal work and every single one of them goes into production also records thousands of write about the latest tech so yes that perspective matters a lot and that's why you are here. So let's go ahead and talk about the top 5 programming languages for 2022.

We are going to talk about the top 5 programming language for 2022. There are a lot of new programming languages this year where you should keep your eye and we're going to have a discussion around it this article is obviously a little bit more than just ranking the languages and showing you the name. So there's a little bit of my perspective added on top of that before we go ahead and pick the spot number five for this video here's my two cents of advice that is going to change your perspective about programming language nobody ever enjoyed programming language by writing its loops and functions and some classes.

so on this checklist of top five programming languages for 2022


We're gonna start with programming languages ranking five which is going forgo a lot of people call this as go a lot of people call it as going.

You know what language I'm talking about this language is growing all hot in for this year it's already in production with so many of the applications and so many of the product-based companies are evolving in this language go or Golang is considered as the modern version of the c programming language a lot of people call it the fresh take on the sea, if it would be designed in the 2020 world this language from the ground up, is a fresh take on the programming language focused a lot on concurrency and is built to fully utilize the cloud infrastructure.

Hence you see this so many other companies are using it there is no shortage of the packages and resources available for the Golang you can build an entire web application and tons of other applications in the Golang in case this language seems interesting to you.


The programming language ranking on number four we have another new take coming up here which is Rust now you'll see a lot of articles that the internet is getting rusty now rust is a low-level programming language with direct access to hardware and memory you're going to find a lot of similarities of the syntax with the c plus in fact, you have if you have coded c plus in the past, you're going to find a lot of comfort with this language.

Now of course this language also brings us some of the fresh new concepts like trades borrow checker and is also revolving a lot about the concurrency now very similar to the Golang rust also gives you the ability to trace the data races mutex a lot of memory and concurrency as well being a low-level programming language.

You're gonna hear a lot of buzzwords about the rust in the community which are building the core stuff which is absolutely underlying the hardware or very similar or touching the hardware at least you're gonna see a lot of compilers are using it a lot of compilers are being rewritten in that lots of Linux packages are being written in.

So there's a lot going on but at a very very low-level touching almost touching the hardware stuff now I do agree that in the initial of the days there was a shortage of the packages for the rust but those are the gone days.

Now you can visit crates and you can find there are so many of the packages available up here, in fact, you can they just say that hey if you want to install a cargo you can just go to the crates and pretty much all the popular packages and functionality that you wish for are available there and they are rising in the great numbers.


In the programming language list on spot number three, we have got a weird choice here which is PHP and some of you might be wondering why PHP is even on the list is it not a dying language. is it already not dead?

No, my friend, it is not yet dead and there is a strange pattern in the world of PHP that is growing up now re in the recent last couple of years we have seen a lot of engineers who are focused more on either python or javascript creating an absurd shortage of the PHP developers now on one hand where a whole lot of packages and applications are being rewritten in the node.js if they could afford it but they are still mammoth of these applications which are still running and maintaining in Laravel and the PHP and they are working absolutely fine there and yes you guessed it right since a lot of people are now focusing on javascript and python and other fashionable languages there is a shortage of PHP talent. I have recently seen that a lot of companies are now ready to pay even more to people who have experience with PHP I agree very strange phenomenon but this is happening right now in the industry and obviously, i don't need to spend too much time explaining to you what PHP is. it is one of the world's most dominating programming languages when you outsource your packages to third-world countries.

A lot of being is developed in the PHP and they are absolutely fine Laravel is one of the most rising frameworks in the PHP and it's absolutely smashing things.


On spot number two we're gonna place a java or Kotlin programming languages to learn. On September 14 2021 there was an official blog by oracle which says introducing the free java license so if this article is there that means there was 100 something wrong going on that they had to make java into the free license again oracle and java went into the deep waters where they made java almost like a paid license for a lot of people and there was a weird license thing going on and finally they thought that yeah we have kind of a make a big mistake so we need to correct it and then they came up with this new licensing thing where it is free again. I mean understand one fact there should not be any doubt about the dominance of this language.

If you are having a doubt on that absolutely you are into some kind of alternative version of the world java is dominant and is going to stay dominant now I do agree with the point that not of a lot of new applications and new products and new companies that are coming up they are not too much friendly with java they usually prefer the new of the stack but what are the stacks and the companies which have already written mammoth of the code and mammoth of the application especially in the financial sectors are already being dominated by java and they have enough of the massive scope to hire millions and millions of engineers to maintain that code.

Thus java is going to be dominating this year too now of course alongside java kotlin is also rising and I sometimes feel that Kotlin is like those veins on the tree which are growing because of the java but they're probably not going to be standing alone on their own feet because of the shadow of java.


In the Programming languages list Typescript is now moving on to number one stop and some of you might be saying hey didn't we already pick up python and javascript on the number one stop that was a brainer stop that is all good this is a different version of position number one on the position number one this time we got a new fresh take which is typescript now you can easily identify typescript as javascript with steroids and the good steroids, not the bad one a lot more strictness comes up with the typescript and a lot of ambiguity that is easily seen in the javascript.

That goes away when you use typescript a whole lot of javascript developers are adopting typescript and the packages who used to come with the basic javascript like react and all that now they do have an alternative version of typescript and in fact, a whole lot of people actually enjoy and love writing typescript code compared to javascript code the only problem and issue that I find with the typescript is that there are not enough developers who are well trained on typescript they just use typescript with the ts extension and still are writing a whole lot of javascript code.

Typescript requires a separate dedicated training on itself so that you can take full advantage of that language not just writing javascript inside the big package of typescript but of course on a whole lot typescript is not gonna be stopping anytime soon in fact it's gonna grow exponentially in the year 2022.

Now moving on to the section of some honorable mention in the honorable mention I've got four listed coming up here c c plus plus c sharp .net and swift UI a quick one-liner for all these honorable mentions for c programming language usually the first choice because it is imposed by most of the universities great language to get started with but this is not compulsory you can start with any other language which might be a little bit easier for you c plus plus great fantastic but please go ahead and move into step two of c plus plus explore more libraries and by libraries, I don't want to say just the stl go beyond that explore something like crow where you can actually, build an entire web application talk to MongoDB. How to install MongoDB drivers directly using c c-plus plus explore the full potential of this language explore a little bit about the game engines that are being built or can be coded using c-plus plus c-sharp and.net

So ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this is my take on the top 5 programming languages ranking and most demanding programming languages a fresh take for 2022

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